Today I had my check up at the OB and I did my NON-stress test, which was totally normal, had ultrasound and then spoke with Dr. Main reason for ultrasound was to monitor the fluid around Avery's lungs and heart. Well it looks like the fluid around her lungs is increasing and they don't know why. Typically increased fluid signifies heart failure but that is not the case...The OB and Cardiologist spoke on the phone and they both agreed heart and lung function is working fine and don't know why the fluid increase. There has been a virus going around the elementary school where Kaden attends and last visit they tested me for exposure to that and it was negative so they drew blood again, to test and make sure that remains the same and that its not an infection of some kind. Strange, and since they are the professionals and are stumped that creates some concern obviously. My OB wants me to come back next week to check again the fluids and then give me steriod shots to make sure that if we have to take her early her lungs are developed or they might do a tap of the fluids depends on what they see next week. Sometimes when they do a tap that instigates labor, so that is not always the best option but on the other hand they don't want to take her early as they need a strong big baby to repair her heart.
I am really not worried at all for some reason, I hope I am right in my instincts but you never know and I will keep sending positive messages to the universe and praying that all is well....I can say I am pretty confident I don't want to have do this again. Pregnancy alone this time around in my senior age has been much harder and my husband says I am much harder to deal with this time. I feel good just worn out and heavy....I need some self nuturing I think of some kind but that is hard to do with 3 boys, a cat and a husband!
Disney World 2017
8 years ago