Thursday, February 26, 2009
Full of Gratitude!
Yesterday I wanted to post but my computer was not functioning and therefore, I couldn't but I wanted to share how grateful I am and how much there is to be grateful for despite the things we may be facing.
Sunny days, when your children can go outside to play
Friends that come over to give you a massage in the comfort of your own home
Little boys bums that run around after a bath
Dinner that is so delicious and that you didn't have to make
Friends tand family that call just to say, how are you doing today?
Connections from friends that work at the hospital or in the PICU
People that go out of their way to make sure you are getting what you need
A husband that is so sensitive and nuturing
A sick free winter for everyone in our home
Other heart moms who are loving & thoughtful
The Priesthood and the blessings of healing
Massage chairs and laptops that friends lend just to make your life a bit more convenient
Chiropractors and Doctors who are so dedicated in providing healing
Little boys who will put your shoes on you, for just a quarter
Friends who grocery shop just like you shop
Moms who are willing to take a month off of work to take care of your other children
Warm therapy pools that make you feel weightless
The weekends when you can truly relax
DVR's, so you can watch the shows you fell asleep watching at 8pm in the middle of the night
Guest bedrooms
The answer to prayers
Heating pads, ice packs, Ben Gay and Tylenol
Husbands that say let me worry about that
This list could go on and on..........................Remember you can choose to tend the garden of negativity or nurture the garden of positivity!
Tuesday, February 17, 2009
Another Echocardiogram
He said that he is delighted that I have gone this far along in my pregnancy and that the fluid is very minimal, there are no valves leaking, the heart functions well and nothing looks different or concerning right now. I asked him to draw me a picture of what Avery's heart looks like and what they are going to do right after she is born. Encouraging new, he said that when she is born, they will try NOT to have to intubate her(breathing tubes) as they want her to breathe on her own, as they are finding now that it really helps them in the long run with feedings, gaining weight, infections, etc. Interesting, I thought and Steve said well that makes sense if you enable a system that can make it on its own then the body just says oh well don't need to work hard there and goes into a lazy state..then when it does need to work it won't do it as hard as it needs too! Makes sense to me now!
He also said, that they will probably do the surgery on Friday, most likely, and the Dr. mentioned that since its one of the more complex surgery that it will be done by the chief surgeon, Dr. Hawkins, with an assistant, which is comforting to know. Essentially what it is that they will do is merge her Aorta and pulmonary artery together and then put in a shunt from her right ventricle to the new merged arteries. This is very complex surgery but if she can do well through this surgery then her chances of success increase drastically. I am thankful today that there are people out there that sacrifice years and years of their lives studying and going to school to improve peoples lives...what a blessing.
I feel much better every time I go there, as the time is vastly approaching its only 18 days away before we get to meet our sweet little girl, Avery. I have a ton of emotions, good, bad, indifferent, I am not sure how I really feel about having her naturally (no meds), being induced, leaving my boys for a long time, having visitors, my husband being gone from work for a while....ugh there is a lot to think about and prepare for, but the one thing that has not changed is that I feel still very positive that all is well and Avery will come out of this strong and as healthy as healthy and strong can be for her. I know nothing, as my friend Marcy always says.
I have another appt. with the OB on Feb. 26th to check her growth...I am certain that is happening well and good trust me! I will post again then.
Thursday, February 12, 2009
What more could a pregnant woman want???
I just wanted to quickly update you on my appt. on Monday at the OB. The ultrasound showed no traces of fluid anymore, after having the ultrasound the tech comes back in and says, Dr. wants me to take another pic of the heart to show her that there is no fluid, then she is going to be coming in. I said is something wrong, because she has NEVER come in to see the ultrasound even when the fluid was increased. I think the Dr. couldn't believe it has gone that along with the fact that I lost 2 lbs. this week....YES LOST.....2 lbs. this week, I couldn't have had better news!
I have only 26 days until they induce me but I am hopeful that I can get things started on my own earlier, with some intervention of course.
I hope that everyone has a very special Valentine's Day, I am in charge of this day this year and am so looking forward to it. This day has a whole new meaning now to me....I haven't even seen my little precious girl to fall in love yet...but I know that I have fallen and her hold on my heart is the strongest and deepest connection I have felt since I met my sweet husband way back when.
Happy Valentine's Day to you all, cherish the ones you love and make sure they know it each and every single day!
I will post next Tuesday as that day we will see the Cardiologist again!
Monday, February 2, 2009
She has hair!